![Surah kahf full reading](https://grog.faraton.info/6.jpg)
May Allah (SWT) bless us with firmness of faith and total reliance upon Allah (SWT). May Allah (SWT) bestow upon us His Mercy and facilitate us in our affair aameen! Security or safety = with ruAAba =terror so people couldn’t easily get to them. It like a small tiny particle perfume which are made by the Hazrat Umay Salaama (RadhiAllahu 'anha ) mother of Hazrat Anas ( raiya 'llhu an-hu )companion of holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (. Hosein Internet Edition Srah al-Kahf of the Qur’n was revealed immediately before the blessed Prophet arrived in Madnah, i.e. Ramik is the name of perfume used in past.
Sleep = sign of calmness, free from worry Surah Al-Kahf Arabic Text - Translation And Modern Commentary by Imran N. If you had looked at them, you would have turned from them in flight and been filled by them with terror.” (surah 18,18)Īyah 16 has the prayer accepted as Allah says He will spread out His Mercy + facilitate affair.Īyah 17 shows how Great Allah is and how is that when He facilitates someone,ġ.physically giving comfort =(shade) + protection (cave)Īyah 18 tells us about, more facilitation, And We turned them to the right and to the left, while their dog stretched his forelegs at the entrance. “And you would think them awake, while they were asleep. He whom Allah guides is the guided, but he whom He leaves astray – never will you find for him a protecting guide”. “And, you would see the sun when it rose, inclining away from their cave on the right, and when it set, passing away from them on the left, while they were within an open space thereof. Your Lord will spread out for you of His mercy and will prepare for you from your affair facility.” (surah:18, ayah 16)
![surah kahf full reading surah kahf full reading](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-aFSsdBdF_i4/YHRrYH5uukI/AAAAAAAAAIU/5_BljpqGI_M4WhsUBB1X3TNL4p5Dco0pACLcBGAsYHQ/w640-h462-rw/surah-mulk%2C-surah-mulk-pdf%2C-surah-al-mulk%2C-surah-mulk-read-online%2C-al-mulk%2C-surat-al-mulk%2C-surah-mulk-full.jpg)
“And when you have withdrawn from them and that which they worship other than Allah, retreat to the cave. In ayah 16-18 we come to know how the dua that was made so sincerely was answered and they were provided with much more than they asked for, as Allah’s Mercy is something unmeasurable. It is beautiful dua for all times, but if we try to understand that these words were uttered at the time of fear and persecuti on which shows the firmness of their ‘eemaan’ and the takkawul upon Allah! As they had full faith only Allah can avail them.
![surah kahf full reading surah kahf full reading](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ozHal4UUXl0/maxresdefault.jpg)
![surah kahf full reading surah kahf full reading](https://gildeddunya.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/img_2071.jpg)
In ayah 10 surah Al-Kahf Allah (SWT) mentions the beautiful dua (Supplication) of the Ashabe kahf: ” when the youths retreated to the cave and said, “Our Lord, grant us from Yourself mercy and prepare for us from our affair right guidance” Rabbana atina minladunka rahmatan wahayyi/ lana min amrinarashada (surah kahf:10)
![Surah kahf full reading](https://grog.faraton.info/6.jpg)